Cathopic Challenges are held monthly and are an excellent opportunity for Catholic photographers, filmmakers, illustrators and other creators to showcase their work and take their God-gifted creativity to the next level.

Each challenge has a different theme that challenges participants to step out of their comfort zone to create something unique and beautiful. In addition, each challenge has a sponsor who awards a financial prize to the best creative piece presented.

The winner is determined by the challenge sponsor, and our team of experts.

How can I participate?

  1. Click on Participate in the challenge in any of the active challenges that are available.
  2. Upload your best resource, taking into account the modality and theme of the challenge.
  3. Your resource will appear in the challenge once our moderators monitor if your work meets the quality requirements of Cathopic.

Important: You can participate with as many items as you want, up to the maximum number of resources per creator allowed in each challenge.

Finished challenges

Sponsored by Dimconex Media

Photos showing acts of kindness to those in need

In this photography challenge, capture the presence of Our Lord among those in need through acts of solidarity.

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Photograph of Carolina BR
Sponsored by Dimconex Media

Expressions of love among friends and family photos

Capture the beauty of love among friends and family through this Catholic photography challenge.

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Sponsored by Dimconex Media

Joyful and happy people photos

Showcase your talent through Catholic photography by sharing pictures of the joy and happiness of people in everyday life.

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Photograph of Érica Viana