Finished on July 12, 2023

Expressions of love among friends and family photos

Capture the beauty of love among friends and family through this Catholic photography challenge.

Challenge winner Adriana Muñoz Guzmán
Challenge modality Photos
Reward $200 USD
Sponsor Dimconex Media

Welcome to our 2nd edition of #CathopicChallenges! Love comes in many forms, and this challenge is designed to capture the beautiful expressions of love among friends and family. We believe these bonds are the foundation of joy and support in our lives, and we want to celebrate them through the art of photography.

We invite you to participate by submitting up to five of your best high-quality photographs that beautifully capture the theme we have chosen. Use your imagination!

The goal of this edition of Cathopic Challenges is to show the dynamic and ways in which people express their love and caring for one another. These expressions are shown in compassion, laughter, fun moments among those special people, spiritual family moments, there is no limit. We are very excited to see your artwork!

Requirements and Additional Details

The resources submitted in the challenge must be in high quality resolution. If any resource does not meet our quality requirements, it will be removed by our moderators. Thanks for your understanding!

You can participate in this challenge with a maximum of 5 high-quality resources - choose carefully!

The content must be your own.

The resources with which you participate in the challenge must not have been previously published on Cathopic.

By participating in #CathopicChallenge, the resources submitted will be available on Cathopic for a minimum of two years. At any time you can choose if your photos are part of Cathopic to obtain monthly earnings or if you want them in our free version to be downloaded without any additional cost.

We announce the challenge winner within 5 days of the challenge end date via email.

The prize will be transferred to the PayPal account linked in the winner's Creator Dashboard.

Our team of professionals, as well as our sponsor's team will be the jury of this feature and will analyze every single one of the pictures submitted.

Challenge winner

Challenge winner

Adriana Muñoz Guzmán

The photograph is skillfully composed, using the rule of thirds to visually balance the scene. Truly inspiring. It is a moving testament to the unconditional love that exists between generations, as it invites us to embrace joy and bliss, reminding us that true happiness is found in the present and in the experiences shared with those we love.

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We are a Catholic agency specializing in digital evangelization. Advance website programming, UX/UI, Branding & Design. Learn more about our work!

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